Tagged: 臺灣個人品牌教練

如何打造你的個人品牌 PART 2: IPIB (TAIWAN) X Per Frykman (Sweden)

打造個人品牌訪談,我們今天邀請到北歐的個人品牌專家 Per Frykman, 他將跟我們分享他在個人品牌領域中10年的經驗。他將告訴我們為甚麼個人品牌非常重要、歐洲人以及他個人偏好用甚麼工具來建立他的個人品牌、還有他所觀察到的個人品牌趨勢。

Today’s building your personal brand interview, we invite personal reputation adviser, Per Frykman, from Sweden to share why personal branding/professional reputation is important for career, what tools European and he prefer to use to build their personal brands, and what is a possible trend in personal branding.

  1. 請Per介紹自己給IPIB的聽眾們 (Please introduce yourself to our audience)。
  2. 作為歐洲的個人品牌專家,你相信甚麼思維,在建立個人品牌裡是最重要的? ( As a personal branding coach in Europe, what is the most important mind-set you are embracing?)
  3. 甚麼是在歐洲建立個人品牌最受歡迎的工具? 那還有甚麼工具你會推薦你的客戶使用來建立個人品牌? (What is the most popular tool for personal branding in Europe? Anything else you recommend to people who intend to build their personal brands in Europe)?
  4. 你所觀察到個人品牌的趨勢 (What is the possible trend you’ve noticed on personal branding?)

Welcome to stop by Per’s website: http://perfrykman.com/


“We empower you to fulfill your career and dream.”

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