人資主管訪談(Singapore): IPIB X Sital,英國人對新加坡工作的觀察 (Part 2)


4. About the people you’ve ever coached and helped to reach their career goal or career success, do they have common characteristics?

Yes – below is a quick summary of characteristics:

– They have a healthy self esteem

– They know themselves very well (they understand their strengths, weaknesses, what they like & dislike and their unique talents and value proposition)

– They know what they want from their career

– They set lifestyle goals, and then wrap their career around their desired lifestyle (rather than building a lifestyle around their work)

– They have a “rough” plan of action

– They are flexible and open minded to adapt to new opportunities (and not rigid about their career goals)

– They invest time in building and nurturing a strong network

– They are lifelong learners and keep updating their skills / knowledge

– They take calculated risks and step outside their comfort zone

– They screw up and made mistakes
(Good career decisions come from good judgement. Good judgement often comes from lessons learned making some mistakes)

5. Since you’re working in Singapore, could you share some suggestions for people who want to look for a job in Singapore?

Do NOT simply apply online. Instead, I suggest you:

a) Book a flight and come to Singapore (you need to experience a new country to see if it’s right for you)

b) Ask your friends, contacts and network to introduce you to people who they know in Singapore or have worked here

c) Then meet people for coffee/lunch to learn about the market, the nuances and potential contacts they may have

d) Work your network, contacts, apply for roles and all the usual activities when searching for jobs

e) Be flexible and open minded: when you change countries, you often won’t get your ideal role/company/salary


感謝我們的朋友 Sital, 分享他的觀點給我們,歡迎參觀Sital’s website

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