Regarding the Interview

During the interview process, you may think that you performed well because of your eloquence and communication skills.

However, a successful interview is more than just that. Some people believe they interviewed well, but continue to be overlooked for the position again and again.Why?.

The problem lies in your lack of appropriate interview concepts.

Research showed that 90% of Taiwanese and American think they did well in their interviews, but, in fact, based on feedback, they did not impress interviewers and perform as well as they thought.

A winning interview belongs to the best marketer

If you want to ace the interview, you have to remember that an interview is not a casual talk or chat but a competitive game.

It is like a sales competition where each and everyone tries to outsell the others. However, the best seller is always the one with a clear position, not the most-functional one.

If you want to stand out from the rest, you have to be fully prepared and be armed with the right concepts. While it may sound easy, very few people succeed in reality.

If you randomly ask interviewees, one out of a hundred will say they really dedicate themselves to fully preparing for their interviews.

One should take the cue from famous politicians or dancers. They rehearse their pitches and performances repeatedly to impress their audience. You should do that too; after all, if you love the job, you will always do your best to fight for it.

Certified Employment Interview Professional

IPIB has attained CEIP

(Certified Employment Interview Professional)

Also, the first and only one in the Chinese-speaking market.

We will coach you on how to interview successfully based on American coaches' experience, expertise, and mindsets coupled with our tested concepts to help you overcome fear of interviews and market yourself effectively.

Should you face pressure of interviews, just contact us; we will be in touch with you shortly!

Should you need us to create your résumé or just want to know any questions,
contact us, and we will be in touch with you shortly!

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